comodo ssl

Comodo certificates are used by thousands of businesses, retailers, and large financial institutions, 500 of which are included in Fortune's list. Comodo's SSLs provide security and network infrastructure protection, data transfers, and provide a full range of services related to credit card transactions, certified by the largest credit card companies worldwide.

Comodo certificates are widely used by businesses in the area of ​​commerce, services, health, construction and communications.

SSL Certificate

We present you a secure & reliable website. HairMaker.Gr. Online buyers require security in their transactions. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is now the standard for online security, while its presence allows all of you to be able to safely purchase your purchases through our site!

What do you gain?

Security in transactions through our site and confirmation of its authenticity!

How SSL works

  • Create secure SSL connection
  • Check the SSL certificate
  • Unique encryption key for this connection (Session key)
  • The Server decodes the Session key using its private key and makes a secure connection.

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